جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Waste Management Policy

Policy Statement

This Waste Management Policy forms part of the university's sustainability framework and underpins the university's sustainability policy. The policy aims to reduce the negative environmental impacts of our waste, to reduce landfill waste and to ensure disposal of waste materials (Plastic, Paper, Glass and Metal) is in an environmentally responsible manner. We recognize we need to reduce the unnecessary use of raw materials and will enable waste recycling, composting and energy recovery to assist in reducing landfill waste. The university is committed to the implementation of an effective waste management programme that meets or exceeds all legislative and regulatory requirements placed upon it.


An-Najah National University accepts its environmental responsibilities and recognizes its obligations to contribute to the resolution of global and local environmental issues by minimizing its environmental impact. The university generates significant quantities of waste through its diverse operations. Accordingly, the university aims to avoid Plastic, Paper, Glass and Metal wastes generation where possible, reduce waste production and reuse or recycle waste that is unavoidably produced to minimize waste disposed of to landfill.


This Policy applies to all university activities and operations.


  1. To ensure that waste management is performed in accordance with all waste legislative requirements, including the duty of care, and to plan for future legislative changes and to mitigate their effects in accordance with the Environmental Sustainability Policy.

  2. To minimize waste generation at source and facilitate repair, reuse and recycling over the disposal of wastes, where it is cost effective in accordance with the Environmental Sustainability Policy and Environmental Sustainability Strategy.

  3. To provide clearly defined roles and responsibilities to identify and coordinate each activity within the waste management chain. 

  4. To promote environmental awareness in order to increase and encourage waste minimization, reuse and recycling in accordance with the Environmental Sustainability Policy and Environmental Sustainability Strategy.

  5. To secure where possible revenue from recyclable materials to reinvest into the expansion of sustainable wastes management opportunities on the campus.

  6. To ensure the safe handling and storage of wastes on campus.

  7. To provide appropriate training for staff, students and other stakeholders on waste management issues. To promote industry waste management best practice in accordance with the Environmental Sustainability Policy.

Effective Date: October 12, 2016

Review Date: Jun 15, 2023

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