جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Access and Participation to Study Policy

Policy Statement

An-Najah National University gives fair consideration to all who apply for admission to credit programs. Each program has admission requirements that are objective, measureable, and nondiscriminatory. An-Najah National University is committed to admit students in a non-discriminatory basis, giving underrepresented careful consideration in the admission process.


The policy defines the criteria used to apply admission requirements in assessing applicants for admission to programs. 


This policy applies to all applicants seeking admission and to staff responsible for setting admission requirements and making admission decisions. 


Procedures and decisions at An-Najah National University: 

  1. Treat all students fairly and respectfully.

  2. Are non-discriminatory and non-intrusive. 

  3. Provide appropriate confidentiality and privacy. 

  4. Provide appropriate access to education.

  5. Ensure that all persons have access to informed support regarding policies, procedures, rights, and responsibilities.

  6. Operate with clear written expectations for conduct and handling of complaints.

  7. Maintain and clearly state a high standard of instruction and administration in all areas of educational programs and services.

  8. Give more opportunities in the admission process to under-represented groups, including: traditional students, women, disabled students, …etc.

  9. Give careful consideration and support in the admission and completion processes to students who come from low-income households.

  10. Create an infrastructure and other supporting services that make the university environment easier and more comfortable for people with disabilities, including: dedicated centers, tools and equipment, access schemes…etc.

Effective Date: October 12, 2016

Review Date: Jun 15, 2023

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